Jan 31, 2018
We were in the studio for The Valley Business Today with Shawn Hershberger, Development Services Director for the City of Winchester. We talked about all the different areas his office manages along with some projects that are currently in process such as the old Taylor Hotel, the former site of Winchester Towers, the Polly's Cab parcel & the recent purchase by the Winchester EDA of the Creamery Building. He also gave us some insight into how development works within the city limits and talked about the city's Economic Development Strategic Plan (2018) currently underway. It's objective is to establish a unified vision and direction for the city that results in greater economic vitality and prosperity for its residents. Crafting a strategy involves a disciplined process of analysis, stakeholder input, and community feedback to establish a shared foundation of information to develop a vision, targets, redevelopment priorities, and a tactical plan of action.