Aug 27, 2020
We pre-recorded today's episode of Public Safety Thursday with Lt. Warren Gosnell from the Frederick County Sheriff's Office to warn listeners to be aware of the school bus as school will be starting in various forms across Frederick County. Lt. Warren Gosnell explained the various laws in place to protect both the students getting on/off the school bus as well as those on the roads during pick up/drop off. Frederick County Public Schools (at the time of the recording) are slated to re-open in a hybrid version that will include some in-person days for most of the students in the locality. We talked about how important it is to be aware of the school bus routes, the kids who will be excitedly waiting at their stops, driveways and along roadways, and when and where you should come to a stop when encountering a bus. In the second half of the show, we discussed traffic patrols in various subdivisions such as Lake Holiday, Shawneeland, Mountain Falls Park and Lake Frederick. Lt. Gosnell explained the ordinances in place (and pending) that allow patrols within their boundaries and told us how those patrols are a good deterrent for both traffic and criminal activity.