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Jun 26, 2023

Our conversation today with Tyler Hinkle, Shenandoah County's Planner is part of an ongoing series following the work on Shenandoah 2045 - Shenandoah County's comprehensive plan. The planning process will unfold over the course of four years with the majority of the community collaboration occurring from 2020-2022, with input in 2023-2024.

Today's chat featured Laura Bennett, District 4 Representative of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). Laura's group is working on Chapter Seven: Education. She walked us through the draft of those chapters and explained why breaking the topic of education into it's own chapter was important.

We discussed several of the goals and objectives that are part of the chapter seven draft and Laura told us about the research and community input they invested into the draft. She encouraged listeners to reach out to her with any questions or suggestions. Tyler reminded us of all the different means of communication that are available which include email, their website, social media, as well as stopping by the planning department.

You can find the chapter overview below and view the entire plan in various forms here:

Chapter 7: Education

  • Provides a vision and objectives to protect and enhance aspects such as the
    • school building infrastructure including new schools and the expansion of existing schools or related educational buildings and facilities
    • pre-k, daycare, summer education, and outside-school educational resources
    • workforce education and lifelong learning opportunities for adults

Tyler talked about the next steps for getting community input through various outlets including community events. For more information about the planning process, visit their website: and follow them on Facebook.

You can listen to my previous conversations with Tyler about Shenandoah 2045 by clicking here.