Oct 31, 2022
Our conversation with Tyler Hinkle, Shenandoah County's Planner is part of an ongoing series following the work on Shenandoah 2045 - Shenandoah County's comprehensive plan. The planning process will unfold over the course of four years with the majority of the community collaboration occurring from 2020-2022, with input in 2023-2024.
Today, Tyler gave us an overview of the results from their community survey as well as the information they gathered at community collaboration sessions. He broke the information down by locality and talked about all the things residents want to see and things they don't as they work through the comprehensive planning process.
I had the benefit of seeing the information and slides during our conversation. You can watch that part of our chat on The Valley Today playlist on the station's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk_kxrbR5QM
For more information about the planning process or to see more results, visit their website: https://shenandoahcountyva.us/future/ and follow them on Facebook.
You can listen to previous conversations with Tyler about Shenandoah 2045 by clicking here.