Jan 5, 2024
Our conversation for United Way Day with United Way Northern Shenandoah Valley's CEO, Kaycee Childress, included Vicki Davies (Executive Director) from St. Luke Community Clinic. Vicki gave an overview of the types of services they provide to people without health/dental insurance or Medicaid. She explained their ability to now offer dentures to clients thanks to a community impact grant from United Way NSV in 2023. Kaycee explained how the community impact grants work and stressed the need for volunteers to serve on various panels and assist with decisions for distribution.
St. Luke
Community Clinic is a nonprofit, community-based organization of
volunteers and professional staff committed to providing
high-quality healthcare services to low-income, uninsured residents
of Front Royal and Warren County, VA. St. Luke is a charitable care
clinic that charges a nominal fee for its services. The clinic
provides chronic and acute care but is not equipped to treat
medical emergencies. The clinic is located at 316 North Royal Avenue
in Front Royal, VA. They open on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
at 9am and remain open until the last patient is seen. They are
also open some Wednesdays and Fridays. You can reach them by
phone: (540) 636-4325. Learn more about their services,
volunteer opportunities, and/or make a donation on their website:
You can also follow them on
The Community Impact Grant Program was established in 2003 by the United Way of Northern Shenandoah Valley to focus resources on the priority health and human care needs that matter most to the people of our communities. The intent of this program is to respond to local priority needs as established through the United Way Community Needs Assessment, Valley Health's Community Health Needs Assessment, and the ALICE Report, including health, education, and financial stability. To volunteer on a distribution panel, click here to email Kaycee, or find more information here on their website. Learn more about United Way Northern Shenandoah Valley: https://www.unitedwaynsv.org/