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May 26, 2021

We pre-recorded today's conversation for The Valley Business Today with Top of Virginia Regional Chamber to chat about their Community Leadership Program.

Joining us for the conversation was Danita Roble - Director of Event Management for Top of Virginia Regional Chamber; Sierra Collins from Sierra Learnership Collaborative; Matt Martz from The Management Group; and Ellie Williams Tahmaseb from NW Works.

Danita gave us the history for the Community Leadership Program - now in it's 25th year - and explained what participants can expect from the nine-month program.

Sierra, Matt & Ellie - all 2021 program graduates - told us about their experiences, the impact it had on them and how they hope to take what they've learned and the connections they've made to better our community.

Registration for the program is open through June 30, 2021. You can get the details here: