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Jun 30, 2021

We pre-recorded our conversation today with Sally Michaels from Frederick County Economic Development Authority to talk about the Worlds of Work Expo (WoW!), the expansion of Manufacturing Week, and the Employer Expo.

Worlds of Work is a career exploration event managed by Lord Fairfax Community College Career Pathways...

Jun 29, 2021

We were live in the studio today with Dennis Lynch from Shenandoah Valley Music Festival to learn about the performers coming to their 2021 Summer Concert Series.

Dennis told us about who is performing when and in some cases, why. We talked about the impact the pandemic had on last year's season and where you can easily...

Jun 28, 2021

People Incorporated, a Virginia-based nonprofit, recently welcomed Samantha “Sam” Barber as the agency’s director of community engagement. We met up over Zoom to chat with Sam about her background, this position, and the various programs and services People Inc. offers.

Sam will focus on building partnerships in...

Jun 25, 2021

We pre-recorded today's conversation for United Way Day with Elise from United Way of Northern Shenandoah Valley and her guest, Lorie Noakes Director of Blue Ridge Housing Network.

Elise gave us the details for Project Connect which was happening as the show aired at Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary School in...

Jun 24, 2021

We were LIVE in the studio today with Lt. Warren Gosnell from the Frederick County Sheriff's Office for our "normal" monthly conversation about traffic safety, new laws and public safety in general.

He told us about the new bicycle law that Governor Northam signed into effect on March 31, 2021 HB2262, the Bicyclist...